Thursday, January 23, 2014


To grant us that we, 
being delivered from the hand of our enemies, 
might serve him without fear, 
in holiness and righteousness before him 
all the days of our life. 
Luke 1:74-75

Let's face it, you really can not please everybody. There will always exist an enemy in your midst whose primary objective is to destroy you. But one thing is for sure, "for so long as you serve God in holiness and righteousness, He will always deliver you from the hand of your enemies". This is an absolute truth of God's word and promises.

God loves you so much that He has set you apart for Himself so that you may live a life worthy of His calling. This is the kind of life He wanted you to have. A life of service for the glory of His Name. A life that is not selfish but willing to give himself up for the love of God and for the love of others. A life made manifest in the flesh by His one and only Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whose Spirit powerfully dwells in you today.

If God is with you, who can be against you?

Now I know that God is with me. In God, in whose promise I glory, in God I trust without fear; what can flesh do against me? (Psalm 56:10-12)

Deliver us Lord from every evil and grant us peace in  our days. In your mercy, keep us free from all anxieties as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. For yours in the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. Amen.

"Fear not, little flock, 
for it is your Father's good pleasure 
to give you the kingdom."
Luke 12:32

God gives you the kingdom not for who you are, what your are, or by your own doing but only because of His own good pleasure. Our unworthiness as sinners will always take its toll in us, telling us that we do not deserve to receive God's kingdom but in truth, this is not the Lord's Ways. His thoughts and ways are far beyond any human comprehension and understanding. The only absolute truth is His Word that when He says "Out of my own good pleasure, I will give it to you".

Friend, I do not know what you are going through right now. You may be in a situation where your guilt is bothering you because you know that you have sinned against the Lord. You may be worried that what you have done may cause the Lord to be angry at you and will no longer give what you have prayed for.

Fear not friend! Even before you have sinned, the Lord already knows everything. He does not look upon the sins you have committed but he sees you on what you will be in the end. He knows that nothing can ever prevail in the love that you have for Him in Christ Jesus.

Lord, I am a sinner and I am not worthy but only say the word and I will be healed. Please forgive me for being unfaithful to you as your steward and servant. You have done and continue to do great and mighty things to me and yet, I still continue to sin. In my heart, I always wanted to do good but I still fall under the temptations of sin. I need to be healed and only you can make me the person you wanted me to be. May your healing grace come upon me today so that I will forever be free to live a life in accordance with your will and purpose. Thank you so much for loving me to the full in spite of all my sins. With much love and hope I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.


Published: 12/24/11-7:44AM; 08/11/13-9:53AM