Monday, May 20, 2024

Might of God

 Your deed of hope will never be forgotten 
by those who tell of the might of God. 
(Judith 13:19)

God’s power is supreme and can manifest through individuals in extraordinary ways. He guides those who trust in Him, and with His guidance, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. What is important is to have faith and fully trust God’s plan, even when faced with great challenges. If those in charge fails us and our people, let us not be afraid to do what is right without them. It is important for us to take the and act decisively when necessary. We should always have the courage, bravery, and self-sacrifice for the greater good.

In the realm of the Divine, power supreme,
Manifests in us, like a radiant beam.
Guided by trust, in His holy name,
Over obstacles, we rise in His fame.

Faith is our anchor, trust our plan,
Even when challenges, like storms, began.
God's guidance, a beacon, in life's vast sea,
Helps us overcome, sets our spirits free.

When leaders fail, and hopes seem slight,
Fear not to stand, for what is right.
Take the helm, act with certainty,
For in decisive action, lies our liberty.

Courage and bravery, virtues so good,
Call us to self-sacrifice, as they should.
For the greater good, we make our stand,
Guided always, by God's loving hand.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We acknowledge Your supreme power, which can manifest through us in extraordinary ways. We recognize Your guidance, bestowed upon those who trust in You, and with Your guidance, we can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Help us to have faith and fully trust Your plan, even when faced with great challenges. When those in charge fail us and our people, give us the courage to do what is right without them. 

Guide us to take the initiative and act decisively when necessary. Instill in us the virtues of courage, bravery, and self-sacrifice for the greater good. 

May we always remember that with You, nothing is impossible, and that You are always with us, guiding us, protecting us, and leading us towards Your divine will.

In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

II: Deliverance of the Jews
Judith 13:10-20

Responsorial Psalm | Judith 13:18, 19 (or Psalm 87:1-2, 3, 5, 6-7)

R: You are the highest honor of our race. 

18 Blessed are you, daughter, by the Most High God, above all the women on earth; and blessed be the Lord God, the creator of heaven and earth. (R) 19 Your deed of hope will never be forgotten by those who tell of the might of God. (R) 


Judith 13:18, 19 is a part of the Book of Judith in the Bible. The Book of Judith is a deuterocanonical book, included in the Septuagint and the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian Old Testament of the Bible.

The specific verses you mentioned are from the story of Judith’s victory over Holofernes. In this story, Judith, a beautiful widow, is able to enter the tent of Holofernes because of his desire for her. Holofernes was an Assyrian general who was about to destroy Judith’s home, the city of Bethulia. Overcome with drink, he passes out and is beheaded by Judith; his head is taken away in a basket.

In Judith 13:18, Uzziah, the leader of Bethulia, praises Judith, saying, "May you be blessed, my daughter, by God Most High, beyond all women on earth; and blessed be the Lord God, who created the heavens and the earth, who guided you to cut off the head of the leader of our enemies!". This verse recognizes Judith’s bravery and credits her victory to the guidance of God.

In Judith 13:19, Uzziah continues his praise of Judith, saying, "Your hope will never depart from the hearts of men, as they remember the power of God". This verse acknowledges Judith’s trust in God and her role in demonstrating God’s power.

These verses highlight the themes of faith, divine guidance, and the power of individuals to act as instruments of God’s will1. They also underscore the importance of trusting in God’s plan, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Learning Lessons:

Judith 13:18, 19 offers several important lessons:

Trust in God: Judith’s trust in God is praised and remembered. This teaches us the importance of having faith and fully trusting in God’s plan, even when faced with great challenges.

God’s Guidance: The verses highlight how God guided Judith to defeat the enemy. This underscores the belief that God guides those who trust in Him, and with His guidance, they can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

God’s Power: The verses acknowledge Judith’s role in demonstrating God’s power. This reminds us that God’s power is supreme and can manifest through individuals in extraordinary ways.

Courage and Bravery: Judith’s courage in risking her life to save her people is commended. This teaches us the value of courage and self-sacrifice for the greater good.

The Role of Women: Judith, a woman, is the hero of this story. This challenges traditional gender roles and highlights the significant contributions women can make.

Taking Initiative: If those in charge fail you and your people, don’t be afraid to do what is right without them. This teaches us about the importance of taking initiative and acting decisively when necessary.

These lessons remind us of the importance of trust in God, the power of His guidance, and the impact of individual courage and initiative. They also highlight the significant role women can play in enacting God’s plan. (Copilot)